Cold, Spring Fever, and Haircuts

Head Cocked

I have a cold. I am not the only one though both Sam and Isadora have colds as well. The last few days I have been sticking to yoga-type workouts. I have also been taking naps! Usually I don’t nap because it ruins my sleep. I have been sleeping heavily both during my naps and at night and I am still feeling exhausted! The cold part of the cold hasn’t been so bad actually very minimal congestion and runnage. It is mostly extreme fatigue, fever (very persistent), and body pain. For me the body pain is in the hips down to the knees and the thoracic spine. For Sam it seems to be all over particularly in the neck. His cold started with a migraine. Isadora’s also started with a headache. She doesn’t seem to have body pain though and has more congestion/leakage (not much fever either). I have had tension in my head but nothing I would call a headache. I am also ravenously hungry, for some reason whenever I get sick my body wants to gorge.

If spring fever is what I think it might be then I also have that (I have had it for several weeks now). I am so restless. I am itching for warm, sunny days. I am not really enjoying my usual hobbies or maybe it is more accurate to say that I can’t focus on them long enough to enjoy them. I have been reading A LOT because of the commute to work and the long wait for the bus. My eyes are exhausted as a result. That coupled with my desperation for the great outdoors has made writing very challenging. I have been meditating though, also pretty unfocused but I have managed some successful visualizations. I am working on building an internal sanctuary.

Oh and I got hair cut to shoulder length! Yes I finally got it cut. I am not sure how I felt about the actual hairdresser, there was no connection and there were some issues with communication. She also seemed uneasy about working with my hair (I am looking for someone who is confident and can offer suggestions.). I came in with a lot of hair. My hair was waist-length. Sam made the appointment for me using a phone app. The result, she was rushed on time because the standard slot was not sufficient. When I was there she answered the phone (I gathered that someone was trying to book an appointment) and she asked them with this really desperate voice while glancing over at me “Do you have super long, extremely thick hair?” I feel pretty bad about it because I think if they had known about my hair previously they would have given me a longer time slot. She thinned my hair so it wouldn’t be so big but it is still big. She didn’t have time to dry it so she never got to see the finished product so to speak.

I forgot how hysterically curly my hair can be when short but I appreciate the liveliness of having curls. My head definitely feels lighter and it so much better lying down without that knot at the base of my head from the ponytail I had to wear all the time. I was wearing my hair up most of the time when it was long because otherwise it was getting in the way too much (I couldn’t exercise, eat, work, or even ride on the bus because it would get caught in other people’s things). I even slept with it because my hair was reaching out and suffocating Sam during the night. I can still put it in a ponytail, it is short and chunky haha I wouldn’t say there is a lot of style to the cut though and I was hoping for a bit of style. I am pretty happy about having went through with it though because man I needed it. I am hoping the breakage will grow out better now. Long hair can be very beautiful but I just wasn’t managing it very well. I don’t really look older or younger!

7 responses

  1. Hope you feel – all of you – much better soon. Spring fever indeed. Both from the lingering winter, I presume? and of course, the natural ways as nature shifts gear – makes the itch for change and air and open spaces come to life and light, hitting hard.

    As for the hair? Speaking as one who is follicly (not a word, but hey follicle doesn’t work) challenged, my hair is super fine and thin, straight as a board – I can offer no sympathies to you Yves! 😉

    Actually, I’ve known many who have suffered the same tiresome and heavy weighted fate as you – thick thick hair, tons of it, long, curly or wavy and always “in the way” – and styling? A nightmare to be sure. So of course, it’s never easy. But I’m thinking this length suits you – really – not only for the physical aspects – of less weight etc. but it seems to be in proportion to you – and your face.

    So enjoy and hopefully you’ll find it lighter and easier – and definitely more in keeping with the changing seasons.

    Be well and and hope you feel much better soon. 🙂

    • Sam is working from home today but he is able to work. Isadora was going to go to school today but when we got there it was closed today and tomorrow they have study day apparently. She has been so tired today actually and cries easily so it is probably a good thing school is closed because I don’t think she was quite ready. She did go outside yesterday and played a bit with the neighbor girl. Actually as I was writing this the neighbor girl came round to play again (indoors despite the gorgeous weather outside). I am aiming to go back to work tomorrow myself so we will see how it goes. I did have a fever last night but the meds took care of it.

      I had to go to the gynecologist today as well meh. Apparently I have tons of healthy eggs, the doctor was all like you can have more babies. Do you want more babies? Babies! Lately people have been on me about having more babies. I am happy with the one I have.

      Swedish winters are always long haha and then of course it is quite dark which is the particularly challenging bit. We have good days that feel like spring is coming and then it gets cold again and snows. So all this teasing is driving me mad.

      I have always wondered what it would be like to have soft hair! I used to want strait hair when I was younger (the whole I want what I can’t have thing) but I have since accepted that my hair is curly I just wish it didn’t have to feel like a scrub brush haha


      • Well rest days required all around. Seems best to just take advantage of it until feeling more able to cope and deal.

        Winter – a never ending saga – same thing here, where I am in Canada. As I type this we are bracing for another 2 storms colliding and hell, we may not see Green until God knows when. I’m lucky though, although I’ve probably just jinxed this – we should be spared the worst of it – with maybe, only about 6 inches – but there are other places, including the north east US that will see anywhere between 12 -24 inches ….. blech!

        Spring has been a tease here too – the entire winter has been up and down and can’t seem to have made up its mind – so now, a week to go and it kicks in full force. It’s nuts.

        LOL – well, we always want what we can’t have – I always wanted thick curly hair …. so I get it.

        Anyhow, take care and I hope everyone is feeling better soon. 🙂

      • It seems like my fever comes back when the sun goes down because it has come back just as it did last night just when I thought it was letting go. I have to say it seems absolutely nuts over there I mean the weather is fickle here but not as bad as that! Thanks a lot

      • feverush??? oops …. feverish at the end of the day …. I remember reading something about that a long time ago …. can’t remember what though …. how helpful am I???

        probably you’re body’s last stand in the rush to flush the infection/virus out of your system …. hopefully you’ll be able to have a good night’s rest and sleep anyhow ….

        oh damn weather …. if I say more, I’ll be throwing a tantrum 😉

      • I have been sleeping pretty heavily actually. I am hoping that my body has almost gotten this thing out!

        I am enjoying our weather now better soak it up before it goes haywire again

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